

Welcome to HAvOC's web site!

Welcome to my music store. Please check out the site and read all of the legal talk and details. If you have any questions please feel free to email me.

I'm So Broken (2 verses on accident)
For Exclusive only so hurry.
I'm So Broken: 75% off
Exclusive: $12.50

This is my music store. All most every week i will have up a new on sale leasable beat for up to 75% off and a free beat. If you look at all of the legal talk and read the details then you will find out fast that i am very giving and for what i give you its very cheap. In compare and contrast most producers beats are about $200 per exclusive wile Mine are only $50!! I hope you like my music and want to strike a deal im allways ready to make deals. :)

Please find the contact button at the top of the page and hit me up for legal rights to my beats.


One Exclusive Beat Lease $49

The free downloadable beat does not include any legal rights and is to be used only for non profitable online plays.

Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list for sales and specials!

You can e-mail us at:

Free Bulls
                  Eye Red MySpace Cursors at www.totallyfreecursors.com

HAvOC BEATS * 1998-2009 * Cheap Instrumentals * US * http://members.soundclick.com/FREE+RAP+BEATS+TO+DOWNLOAD